Thursday, August 30, 2007

BRIAN'S BRAIN: August 29, 2007


Amazons Attack #6: 3 out of 5
Written by Will Pfeifer
Art by Pete Woods
This series doesn't make for great reading material, but it does have some ramifications to the DCU. Circe is revealed to be the mastermind of the war, and is imprisoned in Hades by Athena. Athena then chastises the Amazons for being duped and scatters them about to live covertly amongst humanity. Themyscira is exiled from the gods realm and now resides on New Earth, where the empty island is ruled over by Queen Hippolyta. And most importantly, it is revealed that Athena is not Athena, but rather Granny Goodness, who has captured the Greek Gods and assumed Athena's identity. This sheds some more light in the warrior cult appearing in Countdown.

Countdown 35: 3 out of 5
Written by Paul Dini and Sean McKeever
Art by Keith Giffen and Manuel Garcia
This is not one of countdown's better issues, inspite Sean McKeever being attached. It focuses mainly on the two of the less interesting storylines, namely Jimmy Olsen and the Challengers. Trickster and Piper don't even appear in this issue. The highlight is Zatana besting Mary Marvel in their magical catfight, ending with a depowered Mary being expelled from Zatana's home. It is perhaps interesting to note that Mary seems to be her normal self when depowered and tries to apologize, but it's too little, too late. Way to be a hero Z, leaving an obviously troubled young girl to her own devices. Anyway, the backup reveals the origin of Paralax, which brings us too....

PHUN PHYSICS PHACTS: The backup states the guardians chose the color green as it is a combination of yellow and blue. While this may be true when mixing paints, when talking about light (something more relevant to the Green LANTERNS), yellow and blue in fact make white, and yellow itself is a combination of green with red. Now this is based on the fact that the human eye can detect three colors: green, red, and blue (with all other colors being combinations of those three). Now the guardians, being alines, may be able to detect different colors of light, but I digress. Anyway, now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

Countdown to Adventure: 4 out of 5
Written by Adam Beechen and Justin Gray
Art by Eddy Barrows, Fabrizio Fiorentino and Julio Ferreira
Don't let the "Countdown" in the title fool you, this issue is surprisingly good. The first half focuses on the space heroes of 52. Adam Strange finds himself replaced by a hotshot movie star, while Starfire crashes with Animal Man, much to the horror of Mrs. Animal Man. The backup reveals the origin of the Forerunner. She is from a parallel earth that surves as a battleground for the races of the Nine Houses (although I only count seven: the Mercurians, the Venusians, the Martians, the Jupitarians, the Saturnarians, and two unnamed Houses, presumably the Uranians and the Neptunians. Even if you count Pluto, I'm not sure where the last house comes from as Earth has been deemed uninhabitable by this point). The Forerunners are descended from the mixed blood of the survivors of the wars between the houses, and the Forerunner chosen by the Evil Monitor is an exceptional member of her race. Now according to Monarch, she wasn't the only Forerunner so chosen by her race, and the Monitors unleashed the Shadow Demons that lurk beyond the Source Wall to destory her homeward. This last bit must be taken with a grain of salt. Anyway, be sure to check this title out as it is...BRIAN'S HONORABLE MENTION OF THE WEEK.

Avengers the Initiative #5: 5 out of 5
Written by Dan Slott
Art by Stefano Caselli
Drama. Mystery. And a touch of that Dan Slott wit. These are the incrediants that makeup the best selling new comic to come out of the Initiative. This issue focuses on the Shadow Initiative:former villain the Constrictor, foreign national the Bengal, the mysterious Mutant Zero, the Scarlet Spiders, and rookie Trauma. Together they head into the warzone to recover the renegade recruits, dead or alive, to prevent a repeat of the Stamfrod incident. This leads to a throwdown between Trauma and the Hulk himself. Who is Mutant Zero? Who are the Scarlet Spiders, and why are there three of them? What's going on with MVP? Will Armory return? There are so many intersting plot threads going on in this title. Anyway, in case it wasn't clear by now, this book is...BRIAN'S PICK OF THE WEEK


52 Aftermath the Four Horsemen #1: 3 out of 5
Action Comics #855: 4 out of 5
Black Panther #30 (The Initiative): 3 out of 5
Fallen Angel IDW #19: 4 out of 5
Fantastic Four #549 (The Initiative): 4 out of 5
Teen Titans #50: 4 out of 5
Wonder Woman #12 (Amazons Attack): 3 out of 5
World War Hulk X-Men #3: 4 out of 5

Next Week: Amazing Spider-Man #544, Countdown 34, Uncanny X-Men #490, and more!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

BRIAN'S BRAIN: August 22, 2007


Amazing Spider-Man #543:5 out of 5
Written by J. Michael Straczynski
Art by Ron Garney
The conclusion to Back in Black. With the life of Aunt May hanging in the balance, Peter Parker finds himself spiraling downwards and dragging MJ down with him. The road to hell and all that. JMS does an excellent job exploring moral ambiguity on the wrong side of the law. Be sure to check this issue out as it is...BRIAN'S HONORABLE MENTION OF THE WEEK.

Astonishing X-Men #22: 4 out of 5
Written by Joss Whedon
Art by John Cassaday
Shipping delays have really dragged down the momentum of this title. Even so, it is still one of the best titles out there. Emma calling Danger's bluff was great, nobody writes Emma like Joss Whedon. It was also nice to see the "fornification" of Kitty and Peter. Plus Lockheed! Unfortunately, that Armor girl is still hanging around. Considering how many X-Men-in-training teams there have been (New Mutants/X-Force, Generation X, New X-Men), it's amazing how many people get to join the main team (or is that teams?) directly. Go figure.

Countdown 36: 3 out of 5
Written by Paul Dini and Tony Bedard
Art by Jim Calafiore
The Challengers story becomes marginally interesting this week as we are left wondering who Monitors Bob the Monitor, but Jimmy Olsen wastes a page. If you were looking for a follow up on the big reveal last issue, you'll find it in Action Comics. It is completely glossed over here folks. The Karate Kid storyling has become my least favorite. The Mary Marvel (who has a magic catfight with Zatanna...yum!...while Eclipso watches!) and the Piper/Trickster storylines are continue to carry this title for me. The new backup, Origin of Supervillains, is a complete waste of space. I mean, is anybody reading Countdown that don't know who Poison Ivy or Deathstroke the Terminator are? And don't give me the any comic might be someone's first line. That may hold for titles like Batman or Justice League, but nobody is going to walk into a comic book store and pick up Countdown on a whim. I'll stop ranting for now.

Green Lantern Corps #1: 3 out of 55
The Sinestro Corps War
Written by Dave Gibbons
Art by Patrick Gleason and Angel Unzueta
A descent issue in the shadow of its big brother. Still entertaining though and if you enjoy Green Lantern, you enjoy this issue as well. I mean it's got Killawog vs. his Sinestro Corps counterpart in it. Plus, Mogo the Planet Green Lantern for the giant, Sinestro Corps member (Sinestro Lantern? Yellow Lantern?). And a punch of characters which I would probably know more about if I read the series, but I must say that Arisia chick is smoking!

The Order #2: 5 out of 5
The Initiative
Written by Matt Fraction
Art by Barry Kitson
Say what you will about Civil War, it made possible great new series like Avengers the Initive, New Warriors, and this title, the Order (however the less said about Omega Flight the better). The Order just may be the best of the bunch. This issue spotlights the shapeshifting teen sensation Becky Ryan, codename Aralune (what the frak is an Aralune?), whose story brings to mind a certain former pop star that has fallen from the grace (I won't name names, but it's Britney Spears). In the hands of a lesser writer, this could spell disaster, but Matt Fraction totally pulls it off. If her and Anthem are any indication, I'm sure the rest of the team are equally flawed and interesting. Anyway, this is...BRIAN'S PICK OF THE WEEK.

X-Men #202: 4 out of 5
Endangered Species
Written by Mike Carey
Art by Humberto Ramos
Colossus, Kitty Pryde, and the New X-Men vs. the new Acolytes. Mike Carey is an X-Fan, and it shows in his able to bring in obscure characters without stomping over their previous history and personalities. Chris Gage lends his writing talents to the Endangerd Species backup (that guy is fraking everywhere anymore. Did you see how many books he has coming out in November? Even Brian Bendis is telling him he needs to slow down).


Annihilation Conquest Starlord #2: 4 out of 5
Blue Beetle #18: 4 out of 5
Birds of Prey #109: 4 out of 5
Cable Deadpool #44: 4 out of 5
Immortal Iron Fist #8: 4 out of 5
Mystic Arcana Scarlet Witch: 3 out of 5
Thunderbolts #116: 4 out of 5
World War Hulk Gamma Corps #2: 4 out of 5

Next Week: Amazons Attack #6, Countdown 35, and more! Including something from Marvel.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Awesome movie. Plus Claire Daines looks radiant in it.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

BRIAN'S BRAIN: August 15, 2007

Quick review this week.


Action Comics #854 (Countdown): 3 out of 5

Amazons Attack #5: 2 out of 5

Black Canary #4: 4 out of 5

Booster Gold #1: 5 out of 5
Booster Gold is...BRIAN'S PICK OF THE WEEK

Catwoman #70 (Amazons Attack): 3 out of 5

Checkkmate #17: 3 out of 5

Countdown 37: 4 out of 5

Flash #231: 3 out of 5

Green Lantern Corps #14: 3 out of 5

Justice League of America #12: 2 out of 5

Shadowpact #16: 3 out of 5


Annihilation Conquest Quasar #2: 5 out of 5
Annihilation Conquest Quasar is...BRIAN'S HONORABLE MENTION OF THE WEEK

Captain America #29 (Civil War Initiative): 4 out of 5

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #23: 3 out of 5

New X-Men #41: 3 out of 5

Super Villain Team Up MODOKs 11: 3 out of 5

Next Week: Countdown 36, Astonishing X-Men #22, X-Men #202, and more!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

BRIAN'S BRAIN: August 8, 2007



Black Adam The Dark Age #1: 3 out of 5
Written by Tomasi Mahnke
Art by Alamy Rapmund
Black Adam recovers Isis's remains and apparently resurrects her. I have to give props to the artist for Black Adam's "makeover." He looks different enough to make his disguise feasible while at the same time still recognizable as Black Adam if you look closely.

Countdown 38: 4 out of 5
Written by Paul Dini, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Justin Gray
Art by Jesus Saiz
Calculator moves against Orcale, who simply outclasses him as a hacker. Marry Marvel continues to grow in power, brazeness, and anger as Eclipso looks on. Trickster (and Piper) convines the All-New, All-Lesbian Batwoman and Question that they are not guilty of killing the Flash through a puppet show. Robin turns down Mr. Action's offer to join the Teen Titans. Darkseid is (apparently) revealed to be behind the killings of the New Gods and claims the Deep Six amongst his latest victims. The backup reveals how Evil Monitor recruited the other 50 Monitors to his side, and Bob leaving to recruit the Challengers. It also verifies that Kyle, Donna, and Jason are not native to New Earth. All in all, one of the better issues of the series to date.

Gen 13 #11: 3 out of 5
Written by Gail Simone
Art by Carlo Barberi and Sunny Lee
The Liberty Snots take a powder as Gen 13 faces off against the Authoriteens, and the Intern (the teen Doctor) reveals the in-continuity mumbo-jumbo behind Gen 13's reboot. Not a particularly outstanding issue, but the Authoriteens are thoroughly enjoyable take on the Authority. I particularly like Jack Hatfield, the spirit of small towns.

Green Lantern #22: 4 out of 5
Written by Goeff Johns
Art by Ivan Reis
Parallax infected Kyle Rayner vs. Hal Jordan and the Lost Lanterns. Superboy Prime looms menacingly. Cyborg Superman chats with Antimonitor about his death wish. And more Green Lanterns die.

Stormwatch PHD #10: 4 out of 5
Written by Christos Gage
Art by Andy Smith
Someone is killing off former members of Stormwatch (who, unfortunately, were apparently just created so they could get killed off instead of actually being former members of the serise, but I digress). Nautica, Sunburst, Prism, and Camache do make cameo appearences, but they don't appear to be on the hit list. As to who is behind this dastardly plot, I won't spoil it here, but here's a hint: HE'S ON THE FRAKING COVER!!! And without so much as a friendly, neighborhood spoiler alert to boot.


Annihilation Conquest Wraith #2: 2 out of 5
Written by Javier Grillo-Marxuach
Artist by Kyle Hotz
I know, I know...after the review I gave issue #1, why did I pick up the second issue? To be honest, I don't have a good answer. This issue is a lot better, but still doesn't quite do it for me. We get Wraith's origin story, but it's delivered in such a way that you (or I at least) just don't connect with him enough to really care. Ronan and Super-Skrull both appear in this issue, and are far more interesting than the title character.

Daredevil #99: 5 out of 5
Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Michael Lark and Stefano Gaudiano
As Matt and crew deal with the aftermath of Gladiator (Melvin Potter, not the Shi'ar guy), Matt learns that it was a diversion investigates what really happened--Batman style. It would appear the mastermind behind it is...Mr. Fear, and he plays another card against Daredevil, and this one's a doozy, and I won't spoil it here. Every so often there's a title that drifts towards the bottom of my read pile that is shockingly good. This, my friends, is that title, and as such, it is...


Exiles #97: 3 out of 5
Written by Chris Claremont
Art by Steve Scott
Anyway, Morph and Longshot debate ethics of interfering in Doom-topia before meeting up with Blink and Moleman Reed Richards. As Spider-Man 2099 and Sabretooth got their groove on, Doom reverse engineers the Talus and sends a strike force into the Crystal Palace where they encounter Psylocke , Ultimate Shadowcat, and a surprise character, whose powers include spoutting bad dialog. Sheesh, who talks like that (and who says sheesh for that matter).

Incredible Hulk #109 (World War Hulk): 3 out of 5
Written by Greg Pak
Art by Carlo Pagulayan
We finally get Hulk's answer to Amadeus Cho and the Renegades request to help him, which more or less amounts to giving them a free pass. It mostly recaps World War Hulk #3 with Amadeus repeating his "Hulk is not a killer" mantra, even as the Green Goliath starts building his arena. Not a bad issue, but considering it's mostly a rehash of WWH #3, you might want save your money.

New Avengers #33: 4 out of 5
Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Leinil Yu
Tensions are high as the New Avengers recover from the Elektra Skrull reveal. Wolverine reasons that Spider-Woman isn't a skrull since she didn't try to kill them when she had the chance. Meanwhile, the team continues to distrust one another. Just how high distrust is amongst them is brought home by Luke Cage, who can't even trust his own wife. Meanwhile, Wolverine cases a criminal bar and stumbles onto the Hood. The Hood plot feels more like a B-plot to the Skrull storyline, and I am left wondering when we get the next Skrull reveal.

New Excalibur #22: 3 out of 5
Written by Chris Claremont
Art by Pat Olliffe
Wait, Excalibur is still fighting Albion and the Albion Corps, with still no end in sight. Although Dazzler does get to kick some @$$ and demonstrate some better skills with her powers, so at least there is that.

Nova #5: 4 out of 5
Written by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Art by Sean Chen & Scott Hanna
Nova recruits his first deputy, Kree medic Ko-Rel. As Nova recovers, the Phalanx attack. Ko-Rell and the dubiously named Kree (Dimples? Flagpole?) fight a losing battle. Ko-Rell attempts to lead the Phallanx away from Nova and her crewmates, and it appears to work, but Gamora sees through the ruse and stays behind. She then brings the latest Phalanx Select into the fold!

Punisher War Journal #10: 3 out of 5
Written by Matt Fraction
Art by Ariel Olivetti
After being tied to a pole for half this book's run, Frank finally delivers a beatdown to Hate-Monger which is too short and anti-climatic. G. W. Bridge gives Frank a free pass this time since he can't arrest I guy for beeting up Neo-Nazis. Stuart Clarke finds his lady friend has been killed and starts tracking down the recruits to kill them, in a move that makes Frank the sane one of the pair. Scarry that.

World War Hulk Front Line #3: 3 out of 5
Written by Paul Jenkins
Art by Ramon Bachs & Shawn Martinbrough
Ben Urich and Sally Floyd find themselves in the middle of a warzone, and Sally tries to take a sick day. Jameson is pissed that he got scooped by the upstart Front Line. Buddy cops Korg and Danny Granville uncover a survelance camera that has footage of the murder victim. Rhode Island looks for a superteam (yawn!).

X-Factor #22: 5 out of 5
Written Peter David
Artist Pablo Raimondi
Another great issue from Peter David. The Isolationist makes X-Factor an offer they can't refuse. M and Siryn track down anti-mutant singers to enforce their grandparents legal visitation rights, and run into a snag...Solo, and where he lives, terror dies. Oh, and Clay. Rahne claws up Rictor's back rather fierce, and Jamie figures out they've hooked up. Strong Guy makes bad jokes. And Nicole outcreeps Layla Miller. Yikes! By the way, this is...


Next Week: Amazons Attack #5, Booster Gold #1, Countdown 37, Flash #231, and more!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

BRIAN'S BRAIN: August 1, 2007



Action Comics #853 (Countdown): 4 out of 5
Written by Kurk Busiek
Art by Brad Walker
After defeateing the Exomorphic Man (off page, unfortunately--maybe we'll see this fight in Countdown 38?), Jimmy Olsen takes on the Kryptonite Man. Unfortunately, he's not quite up to the task and is captured. Superman comes to his rescue, but he too is overwhelmed by K-Man, inpsite of his fancy anti-radiation spray. Meanwhile, not knowing Superman is fighting the K-Man in the NEXT ROOM (between this and Countdown 50, Jimmy Olsen is apparently legally deaf) he constructs a device to mimic his Superman watch, but since Supes is getting his Big Blue Butt kicked, Jimmy instead summons...Krypto? Also, Jimmy reflects on how he suddenly knows stuff he shouldn't, like the secret identities of all three Robins. He even seems to subconsciously know Clark Kent is Superman, but his conscious mind doesn't quite seem to make the connection.

All New Atom #14 (Countdown):5 out of 5
Written by Gail Simone
Art by Mike Norton
Gail Simone is a damn good writer. She took the least interesting part of Countdown, and totally made it her own. Ryan takes Bob, Donna, and Jason to the microscopic city that lives on his dogs @$$, and then into a facimile of Heaven where they meet...the late Ted Kord (Blue Beetle), complete with Angel-wings jetpack. And just when you think things couldn't get any strangers, Hell invades, lead by a demon-wing jackpack wearing Hitler, which Ryan proceeds to kick in the face. Now channeling my inner Chris Sims, I will repeat: RYAN CHOI KICKS A DEMON-WING JETPACK HITLER IN THE FACE!

Black Canary #3:4 out of 5
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Mike Norton
Black Canary vs. Merlyn. 'Nuff said.

Countdown 39: 4 out of 5
Written by Pail Dini and Sean McKeever
Art by Jim Calafiore
Karate Kid visits Oracle, who brushes him off as someone is trying to hack the secret id of all the heroes. Pengiun sells out Piper & Trickster to the Suicide Squad, but the Rogues gives them the slip. Ryan, Donna, Jason, and Bob go to crazy-space-land. Mary Marvel doesn't appear. Mr. Action stops a purse snatcher and gets smooched. He then reflects on joining a team, while the purse snatcher skulks away (albeit without the stolen purse). Holly confronts Athena about Harley turning away the single mom. The new Question and Batwoman (the all-new, all-lesbian Birds of Prey) confront Piper and Trickster. Oh, and in the backup the Monitors reveal what is beyond teh Source Wall.

Detective Comics #835: 4 out of 5
Written by John Rozum
Art by Tom Mandrake
The Scarecrow decides to prove he's more than a smuck with fear gas, and first busts out Arkham and then goes on a reign of terror through Gotham, relying on pure psychology rather than the aforementioned fear gas. All in all, a surprising good read.

Justice Society of America #8: 4 out of 5
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Fernando Pasarin
This issue spotlights Libery Belle, and features Damage promently as well. Between Sinestro Corps and JSA, Geoff Johns has been at the top of his game lately.

Metal Men #1: 3 out of 5
Written by Duncan Rouleau
Art Duncan Rouleau
A solid first issue. My knowledge of the Metal Men is somewhat limited, so fans might find more enjoyment here. And props to Duncan Rouleau on Will Magnus's Hypo-Hyper Flux Theory, although one wonders why he would be presenting a scientific theory at an inventors conference, but I digress.

Supergirl #20 (Amazons Attack): 3 out of 5
Writen by Tony Bedard
Art by Renato Guedes
Supergirl deals with the mistakes she made during Amazon Attacks, namely attacking Air Force One alongside Wonder Girl. A good introspective tale.

Welcome to Tranquility #9: 3 out of 5
Written bu Gail Simone
Art by Neil Googe
Not one of the better issues of this series, but then I'm not a fan of zombies in comics. Although Roxie from Gen 13 does get it on with one of the Liberty Snots. Of course, this usually is the kiss of death in zombie stories, no?


Fantastic Four #548 (Civil War Initiative): 3 out of 5
Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art by Paul Pelletier
Believing Reed and the rest of the Fantastic Four are dead, the Wingless Wizard beats the captive Sue Richards trying to get her to admidt he is superior to her husband. Naturally, thanks to Black Panther, the FF are very much alive and ready to clobber some Frightful Four. However, the Wizard has an ace up his sleeve, as it is not the Frightful Four, but the Frightful Five! Reed, however, is apparently as blind as Jimmy Olsen is deaf. When the FF arived, the Frightful Four were plainly standing around the shackled Sue, but Reed feels the need to beat on the Wizard and demand to know where his wife is. I know Reed can be kind of oblvious at times, but come on.

Ms. Marvel #18: 4 out of 5
Written by Brian Reed
Art by Aaron Lopresti
Carol meets with Hank McCoy over her recent episode of turning blue, something the Beast knows a little about. She then welcomes two new recruits to Lightning Storm: Sleepwalker and Nextwave's Machine Man. Meanwhile, The Puppet Master is collecting superheroins to sell as slaves. Already in his collection: Shroud, Silverclaw, Stature, and Tigra. And his latest addition, Arana.

New Avengers Illuminati #4: 5 out of 5
Written by Brian Michael Bendis and Brian Reed
Art by Jim Cheung
The Illuminati discuss girl troubles, which includes Namor giving Reed marital advise and Namor asking Tony "Why would you sleep with a woman who looks like Doctor Doom?" From there, they address the threat of...Marvel Boy? After dealing with major milestone events like the Kree-Skrull War, the Infinity Guantlet, and the Secret War, this seems like an odd choice. As a refreshing change of pace, the Illuminati use reason rather then violence to deal with Noh-Varr (well, other than Namor) of course. This is a great issue, the best of the series, and is...


New Warriors #3: 4 out of 5
Written by Kevin Grevioux
Art by Paco Medina
Although Microbe and Namorita are clearly dead (and have the bodies to prove it), all that was left of Night Trasher after Stanford are is tattered costume. In addition, someone is accessing funds in the Taylor family using codes only Dwayne and his brother knew. Also, Wolverine checks in on Jubilee, and the New Warriors turn down Stark's offer with some colorful graffiti. We also get a glimpse at the rest of the team, but really, we know nothing about them the three former X-Men. Nonetheless, this is a great new book spinning out of Civil War and worth checking out.

She-Hulk #20: 5 out of 5
Written by Dan Slott and Ty Templeton
Art by Rick Burchett
This issue serves to wrap-up the lose threads as Dan Slott nears the end of his run. Stu's escape from Duck World, Artie Zix's revealed to be RT-Z9, Hawkeye taping the Doc Brown (from Back to the Future? Anyone? Damn, I'm old!) letter She-Hulk gave him, the tragic fate of Awesome Andy, Jen's marriage to John Jameson, and Mallory's master plan getting dismissed as petty and trivial. But this is not quite the end as She-Hulk's time as a galactic judge may result in unforseen consequences. I'm sure going to miss Dan Slott on this series, even as I'm looking forward to Peter David taking over. Anyway, this issue is...


Uncanny X-Men #489: 4 out of 5
Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Salvador Larroca
With the help of the FF computer, Storm attempts to track down the Morlocks. O*N*E get the drop on the Morlocks first, however, and get slaughtered. They X-Men uncover Skids among the wounded, and she reveals that she is an undercover SHIELD agent. Also, Xavier and Nightcrawler continue to track down Magneto. In the backup, which is signifigantly better than it was during the first few weeks, the Beast makes a deal with the devil...the Dark Beast.

World War Hulk #3: 4 out of 5
Written by Greg Pak
Art by John Romita Jr.
With both the Avengers AND the Fantastic Four down for the count, its up to Thunderbolt Ross and army to take out Hulk. Naturally, they are little match for the Hulk's rage. Doctor Strange contacts Hulk through the astral plane and tries to reason with him as a friend, and although it appears he is reaching Hulk (and Banner), the Hulk instead lures him in to break his hands. Meanwhile, the Warbound capture Echo, Iron First, and Ronin in their effort to protect Strange. Hulk then oversees the construction of a gladiator arena while Rick Jones continues to try to reason with him. The Sentry continues to remain on the fence.

Next Week: Countdown 38, Green Lantern #22, New Avengers #33, and more!